Dance lessons

Hey neighbors,

I’m looking for recommendations for beginner dance lessons. I don’t know what style but something that could be applied to most common general dancing environments (maybe swing?) like a night out or a wedding.

Background: I am 25m and have been with my gf for 8 years. I have always sucked at dancing. The first few years of our relationship I straight up would sit out and not dance (awful right?), now I’m comfortable enough to get out there and humiliate myself. Let me say my gf is the sweetest girl in the world and has never once tried to make me feel bad about not dancing or made me feel bad about how bad I dance when I do try. But recently we were at a wedding for one of her family members and I could tell she got a little embarrassed of my dancing. Never said anything bad, you can just tell these things after being together a long time. I decided I NEED to learn to dance. She loves it, I think I would enjoy it if I was decent. And we are going to be getting married in a few years and I’d love to give her a great first dance.

I want to take some classes and am looking for recommendations. Help this white boy find his rhythm so he stops embarrassing himself in front of his girls Latino family!! ?

Follow-up question: Should I sneak off and go learn to dance on my own so I can just blow her mind and whip out some moves my next opportunity? Or should I bring her along so she doesn’t feel left out? I casually in a seemingly joking manner mentioned the idea of me taking secret dance classes and she said “you should “? so I don’t think she’d be mad about it but idk what do you guys think? Is it worth the trouble for the surprise?

submitted by /u/_punchypalooka
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