The 405th Canadian Regiment needs YOU to nominate and vote for your next RCO!
First, I would like to address the elephant in the room; the resignation of the Canadian Regiment Staff and the creation of the new community Halo Cosplay Canada. I anticipate two prominent questions: Why would one take up a position in 405th staff when all of the previous staff members resigned at the same time? And Why does the 405th Canadian regiment need a Commanding Officer when Halo Cosplay Canada already has many active members and staff?
To me, these questions have the same answer, which is that the next N8TEBB needs a leader. The reason I am the cosplayer and maker I am today is directly because of the 405th and its staff. I began my journey by watching videos on YouTube, where I was then directed to the 405th. It really was the only halo community I head of through my extensive halo-cosplay binge. I used the 405th’s resources and tutorials, was welcomed by active staff members from other regiments, and eventually made my very first halo cosplay! After a bit, the excitement of the suit wore off because I had no one to share it with. Then the Canadian RCO, Schankerz, began organizing a meet-up at Fan Expo in Toronto. As soon as I expressed even a hint of interest, he welcomed me and made me feel right at home. After the success of that first convention, I became more involved in Midwest conventions and in 405th-wide community events.
What I want you to notice is that without Schankerz in his position of RCO, I may have never began cosplaying at conventions. It is also important to see, however, that it was not solely Schankerz. It was the world-wide reputation of the 405th, it’s presence on YouTube through major channels like Impact Props, it’s wealth of resources and templates, the huge community on the forums that cheered me on as I built my first suit, and finally my Commanding Officer doing his part inviting me to a community meet-up that brought me to be where I am today. Everyone worked together. If any of these elements were to be neglected, I would not be the maker I am now.
This is why the 405th Canadian Regiment must have an RCO. If any one person is out there beginning their journey like how I began mine, they will need an RCO. Because halo is a world-renowned game, many hear of halo cosplay not from local community members but from people all around the world in Australia, the United States, and Europe. I would not have found the 405th if it were exclusively Canadian. At the same time, it needed to be present in Canada for it to have such an affect on me.
Despite the difficulties faced by former staff, I believe there is still something great here at the 405th, and it’s worth fighting for. While Halo Cosplay Canada is doing their part, the 405th Canadian Regiment needs a leader to connect Canadian cosplayers to this truly amazing worldwide community. So this is why I ask you to please nominate members for Canadian Regiment RCO for this 2025 season.
I’ll be accepting nominations and I encourage other members to do the same! I look forward to seeing what the future of the 405th Canadian Regiment has in store, whoever leads us.
-Nate (N8TEBB)
This message has been modified to comply with the Mantle’s campaigning rules. I apologize for not being fair towards other members wishing to be nominated.