screaming at me on mopac ??

what exactly do you get out of sticking half your body out your window while driving 65 to yell at someone ?

i get it i get it, the left lane is for passing. you made your point ! why are you Still yelling ??

im not perfect and i probably could have been going faster, but the left lane becomes an exit-only in about a mile and i am taking that exit…if youre mad that i may be holding up traffic by going the speed limit, why are you holding up traffic just to drive next to me and swear at the top of your lungs ? also i can’t hear you ? then she zooms off diving across two other lanes to exit on the right…girl what.

  1. you suck
  2. your kids are going to need therapy
  3. a simple “fuck you” would have done the trick !

literally What Are You Doing ?

submitted by /u/dreamygothy
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