Moda Health in Austin, and other ACA/ options???

Like many in Austin, Ascension insurance is not available in 2025 on ACA/ – so they transferred us all to a Moda Health plan (unless we pick otherwise).

Although it appears from prior posts that Moda Health has potentially been available for a while in Austin, I can’t find any Austin/Texas experiences. Perhaps a lack of negativity is a good sign???

I honestly don’t know anything about their network other than it’s largely St. David’s and possibly ARC based (and not Ascension) — that is fine as I am not seeing any doctors currently.

All in all, I likely need a colonoscopy (and anything that discovers), but am otherwise generally healthy.

The alternatives are BCBS Bronze and Sendero.

Honestly the BCBS plan is ALMOST identical in coverage/pricing/deductibles EXCEPT that it is an HMO, and Moda Health is an EPO – so theoretically if I need to see a dermatologist for moles, I could go directly….. ???

Perhaps BCBS has a larger network???? But their reputation seems “mixed” ?

Sendero is slightly less expensive (and potentially covers both St. Davids and Ascension), but again it is an HMO and seems to have “mixed” reviews (potentially difficulty seeing people and getting a good PCP in an HMO)

Since I believe so many people are in the same situation of being transferred to Moda Health, it would be nice to hear people’s thoughts or experiences (as I can’t find many Austin/Texas feedback).

The reason I might go with Moda would be the EPO (which doesn’t require PCP for a specialist like a dermatologist)

Thoughts? Experiences?

submitted by /u/sushinestarlight
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