Hit by an uninsured driver

Sigh…the thing happened to me tonight. I was rear-ended by an uninsured driver. Fortunately, nobody was hurt. Unfortunately, I do not have the right insurance so I’ll have to pay for all repairs out of pocket. I thought I’d be covered because the police and the insurance both said I was not at fault…but I got hit by the one person that I wasn’t covered for. I called the police (it happened outside of Austin so at least police actually showed up). It just happened so I don’t have a quote yet but I’d guess my repairs will be $500-$1,000.

I’ve pretty much accepted that I’ll have to pay for everything myself but I’d welcome any advice. I don’t think suing the other driver myself would be worthwhile. It looks like DPS has a way to report uninsured drivers and get damages paid to you, but I’m not sure if that’s worth looking into. I don’t have the drivers phone number so I can’t try to settle, but I do have the police report and case number.

Also as a PSA…get uninsured motorist coverage. It’s not required in Texas, and it’s only like $3/month. It’s worth the saved headaches.

submitted by /u/Responsible-Guard416
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