Injured Deer(?) and Debris in the Road

I’m not sure who to call for this. On E New Hope Drive between Crest Lane and Lagoona Blvd (Mayfield Ranch in Williamson County) there appears to be an injured deer sitting on the very edge of the road. There also appears to be some vehicle debris in the actual road in front of where the deer is. I think that someone may have had a minor hit with the deer. The debris is small pieces and scattered, and the deer is awake and seemed alert but is laying down on the very side of the road (right up to the very edge) and was not phased by any cars or seemed like it was moving.

Is there somewhere I can report this or has someone passed by in the last 20 minutes and can let me know if the deer and debris are still there? I’d hate for the deer to just die lying there, but I also don’t know if it’s really hurt. It definitely could be the most chill deer of all time just watching traffic in a small pile of vehicle debris, but probably not. Advice, phone numbers, or any reporting service suggestions welcomed, thank you!

submitted by /u/crrntjys
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