Donating PrEP, etc

Are there any orgs around here that would take some? I was prescribed PrEP on request (generic truvada) and never started it, so I have some unopened bottles, 3 months supply in total. I know that you can’t just give it to friends because it can have bad effects on some people’s kidneys so they do need doctors appointments for approval and follow-up, but if someone would benefit from not having to pay for the medication itself for a few months I’d love to help. It would feel wrong to just throw it away.

On that note, are there orgs that will accept medication donations in general? I’m moving and have many unused prescriptions (I have great insurance and was overprescribed a lot of meds I never ended up needing) that are still in-date. Some of these are a little pricey and I’m sure even more so without insurance so the same premise applies – what can I do with these around Austin? TYIA

submitted by /u/verdant_squirrel
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