Van/shuttle bus build

I’ve been priced out of Austin for years but recently returned to sell and donate the belongings I have in storage. I’d like to stay through the winter and, while I’m here, work on converting a shuttle bus (E-350 chassis) into my full-time home by spring.

Can anyone recommend someone with experience in bus conversions? I’m pursuing this for financial reasons, not to join the #vanlife trend, so I’m looking for affordable help and plan to do as much of the work myself as possible. I can’t afford a full custom build but would deeply appreciate guidance and support.

Additionally, I’m seeking short-term accommodations through March—either a safe, stationary spot to car camp or a room to rent. I have two small dogs, a limited budget, and I’m not picky. Any leads would mean a lot. Thank you!

submitted by /u/Spacewalker_23
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