Gift advice for people who don't need/want stuff?

I’m at a stage in life where most of the people I give Christmas gifts to don’t need or want any more stuff (and lord, the last thing I want is stuff I’ve got to figure out what to do with), so I’m looking for “event” type gifts/gift certificates where the folks I give them to can enjoy a great time with friends and family.

Some examples I’ve given/received in previous years that ended up being great gifts were dinner at Ling Kitchen (it’s a pretty unique experience, it’s a whole production, you eat in the kitchen, the environment is very social, etc.) and a reservation at one of the private “cabanas” at the ice skating rink The Four Seasons sets up.

Basically, just looking for something a little more interesting/unique than a standard restaurant gift certificate or spa treatment. Any ideas?

submitted by /u/honest_arbiter
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