Rakshasa Project: Back on Track | Halo Costume and Prop Maker Community

Hey there. So I’m gonna be flat out honest. Major failures with my projects had caused me to put my entire 3d printed armor set on hold for 6+ months. BUT. I am back. I think. I’ve been trouble shooting my 3d printer this last month and slowly printing out small parts.. with almost 0 success to matching the quality levels my earlier prints were at.
I will be updating this thread through the coming weeks and months.

Here is a few pictures of the one successful part I printed for the UA CMA SN5 Type 11 Shoulder Attachment I am printing for my Rakshasa suit.
The two pictures of the printed part: it is a hinge that connects the upper and lower parts of the shoulder attachment.

The files I am using are made by Aguilar Workshop (aka J0sephAguilar on the 405th).
The bottom picture provided is a reference/render made by Aguilar I take zero credit for it, I am simply uploading it for people to refer to.


Thanks for reading this. – Austin aka 40MikeActual.

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