My PCP tried to kill me for the 3rd time. Need recommendation for a great family doctor in Round Rock, Cedar Park or North Austin area.

I’m allergic to ibuprofen and this is the 3rd time she tried to prescribe me meds in the same NSAID class. First time she tried to give me Toradol. Second time it was Indomethacin. And this morning, again Meloxicam. Her words “it’s a stronger prescription version of Motrin” when I asked what type of medication is it. I told her I can’t because I’m allergic to ibuprofen. She then asked me if I try Advil before….. Funny thing is every time I came in, the nurse always reviewed my allergies with me. It’s like my doctor doesn’t even read or review the chart before coming into the room.

Long story short, I need recommendation for a new family doctor.

submitted by /u/ff7ftw113
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