Need some level-headed advice about whether or not to leave Texas

I’m a woman and planning on starting a family in the next 2-3 years. I was thinking we would leave then. With these election results, I’m feeling panicked. We are already seeing some alarming behavior.

On one hand, any actual legislation would probably take awhile to go into effect, plus I have a great community of friends here that I don’t feel ready to leave.

On the other, it feels like there are a lack of checks and balances now, and I feel red states will feel the effects of that first.

I just want to discuss what yall are thinking and whether I’m just reacting to the shock and fear I’m feeling.

I’m sure this post will attract trolls, and I’ll just preemptively tell you to get bent. To everyone else: thank you for your advice.

submitted by /u/moosemama0509
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