After much thought, I have decided that as of this post going live, I will be leaving my position as RMO of the Australian Regiment. This decision comes from three reasons.
The first is due to the events that occurred in the middle of last year. After coming back from such a high note with the 405th, the events that followed were quite difficult to deal with. And unfortunately, they weren’t dealt with well at all by the 405th’s owner. Seeing how the community is overseen going forward means I don’t feel confident in my ability to give the community what it needs to prosper. With many of the other staff members – whom I consider friends as well – having left or been banned out-of-procedure (including the Australian RCO), I don’t have the cooperative network I once did to continue in my role effectively.
During the unfolding of the event last year, heated statements were exchanged, especially due to a lack of information. To those whom my words may have crossed in that state of ignorance; I am sorry. Everyone here is great people, and I respect you all.
The second reason is unfortunately due to burnout. I spent a long time applying to work in the creative industries with little to no response. I had a deep, serious passion for making props, costumes, puppets – the list goes on – but now, I feel I need to take a break. So far, this break has lasted many months, and will probably continue for a bit longer. I will likely pursue my other creative hobbies, without the need to push them to a professional grade.
The third reason is on a happier note. After talking to some friends to see where I could use the skills I learnt with the 405th, I’ve now switched industries and have accepted a new job in a different area! Whilst I’m super excited to start this new position, it does mean I will be working full time again and will have extra responsibilities in my personal life, so I will have much less time to dedicate towards online communities.
I want to thank you all for making my time with the 405th is great as it has been. I’ve even travelled to the other side of the world to meet many of you. But now is the time for me to part for a while; I hope to come back once this community finds its feet again, and when the passion for making weird nerdy things comes back.
Thanks for everything,